Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator
Saturday, Feb. 18 @ 7 PM
Tix: $8/$5 Reliquary members
Join us Saturday, February 18 for Charlie Chaplin’s classic film, The Great Dictator (run time: 2 hrs, 6 min). This 1940 comedy-drama, the first talkie that Chaplin ever made, is a political satire that mercilessly targets anti-Semitism and the fascist regimes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. The film is praised today as an historically significant work of satire. The iconic final monologue of the film is a call for humanity and kindness to defeat hatred.
There will be one intermission during this screening. Tickets available online or at the door. Seating is limited!
Nazi anti-Semitism has become especially emboldened in the current day. Chaplin’s film is therefore extremely relevant now. Its message reminds us that the only thing preventing hate from overtaking society is the resistance of those willing to fight for a peaceful world.