Posts Tagged ‘Annual Appeal’

Help Us Celebrate Our City in 2018

A message from City Reliquary Founder Dave Herman:

Dear Civic New Yorkers,

Today The City Reliquary is launching its 2017 Year-End campaign. As we close another eventful year, I wanted to reflect on the compelling programs and exhibitions made possible because of Civic New Yorkers like you, and to ask for your support in the coming year.

15316-Statue-of-Liberty-pic5Our staff and volunteers rely on you to help make the Reliquary possible. Joseph Pulitzer’s 1883 “Pedestal Fund” for the Statue of Liberty revealed the powerful result when people of all economic and cultural backgrounds unite towards a common goal. The symbol of our city–and of the American Dream–literally stands on the contributions of the people.

In that spirit, and during this challenging time for small and feisty non-profits, we remind you that even the smallest contribution makes a difference. To this day, the majority of our funding comes through individual gifts under $100. All gifts are tax-deductible.

If you can make a larger gift and wish to do so, consider sponsoring a specific Reliquary initiative: ensure the maintenance of our permanent exhibits, support a signature event or public program, or make possible a special exhibition. You can find more details on our Artfully page.

Thanks to your generosity, our community museum has been For the people, not for profit since 2002. Please help us continue to offer the exhibitions and events that deepen our connection with the great City of New York.

Always Civic,

Dave Herman, Founder
The City Reliquary Museum & Civic Organization

2017 Reliquary Highlights–with your help, 2018 will be an even bigger success! Support The City Reliquary today!

Exhibitions of Overlooked New York

Our 2017 special exhibition calendar opened with Heroes Of The Knish: Making A Living And Making A Life, which traced the history of the knish from its arrival in the US with Jewish immigrants to its current status as an iconic NYC street food.

Following knishes came Closet Archaeology, one of our most successful exhibitions to date. This exciting show featured over a century’s worth of everyday objects excavated by fourth-grade students from beneath the floorboards of their school building and received a wealth of press coverage, from the New Yorker to the New York Post.

We’ll close out 2017 with NYC Trash! Past, Present, & Future, which considers the history and anthropology of trash in New York from the nineteenth century slums of Manhattan to present-day innovations for reuse and recycle to trash as a cultural archive.

Civic-Minded Events

This was also a banner year for classic City Reliquary events and new annual traditions.

Collectors’ Night, our celebration of collectors and collecting, drew a greater crowd than ever before–triple the average size.

Equally successful was the 2017 Miss Subways Extravaganza This anti-pageant addressed the current deplorable condition of the NYC subway system and raised funds for the Riders Alliance advocacy group. Celebrity judges including Janeane Garofalo and NY1’s own Roger Clark evaluated contestants who embodied the diversity of our city and showcased the unique talents of New York.

We also hosted a brass-band blowout party to herald HONK NYC 2017, and we even marched in the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

Thank for you helping us achieve a phenomenal 2017. With your help, 2018 will be an even bigger success. Support The City Reliquary today!

2016 Annual Appeal: Help Support the Reliquary!

Our community museum needs your support. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to our Annual Appeal.

Dear Friends,

One day, about fifteen years ago, I had an idea that began quite small: a simple window display in a neighborhood undergoing drastic changes. Appreciating that New York City has historically been a place of constant change, I was eager to offer something new that respected its rich past.

An unlikely success, thanks to you.
By sharing a handful of local artifacts in a public display, a modest dream began to grow into a community project. With the participation of fellow civic-minded New Yorkers, we grew this little dream into a real storefront museum. A museum that seemed to exist despite all odds. And yet, New York was just the right place for this endeavor that helped people celebrate the city they loved. Sincerity and passion outweighed cynicism and apathy as our dream grew big.

Important growth, thanks to you.
Now, after fifteen years of growing, we are daring to dream bigger still. In the past year we have introduced new staff and board members, an administrative office and workshop, and have built new ambitious programming for our upcoming year. These major developments were possible thanks to your support.

Just as when The City Reliquary began, our city and country face incredible challenges. In response, we continue to fortify our community project as a safe place for civic appreciation and diverse celebrations. But we need your help.

Our future depends on you.
To provide the optimistic and inclusive vision of what our city and country truly represent, we call for your support.

To prove in the face of adversity that we may not be more accurately represented by our leaders than by ourselves, we rely on your support.

To continue building on our past, and to sustain the bold future we’ve dreamt of, we must have your support.

With your support, we will continue to dedicate our sincerest energies to making New York City a place we can all continue to be proud to call home.

As always, we’re very grateful for your generosity and belief in our mission. If you’ve already made your gift, thank you! If not, I invite you to make your tax-deductible gift before Dec. 31. To qualify for a 2016 tax deduction, make your gift online by 11:50 pm EST on Dec. 31.

If you prefer to mail your gift, please send a check made out to “The City Reliquary” to:

The City Reliquary Museum
370 Metropolitan Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11211

With faith and fortitude, I am,

Always civic,

Dave Herman