October 25 | 10am to 4pm
On October 25, 2014 New Yorkers of all ages will pig out at the City Reliquary Museum’s 5th Annual Havemeyer Sugar Sweets Festival, the city’s biggest celebration of New York’s bakers and sweet-makers.
Civic Bake Sale
The heart of the Festival is the Civic Bake Sale, a sweet-tooth smorgasbord featuring treats donated by everyone from humble home chefs to top-tier pros and landmark New York bakeries. 100% of the proceeds from the bake sale will support the City Reliquary Museum, a beloved New York history and civic museum.
Want to donate? Just email jeff(at)cityreliquary.org
Blue Ribbon Baking Competitions
Are you one of the city’s best home bakers? Bring it on! Throughout the day, pro-bakers, food writers, and sweets experts will judge treats entered in each category – awarding prizes any baker and NYC-enthusiast would love to take home! This year’s categories include:
• Best Fall Flavored
• Best Booze Infused
• Best Brooklyn-y (anything goes…but keep it local-ish!)
• Best Recipe You Made Up (bring – and bake – your imagination)
• Best Oh My God! Chocolate
Family-Friendly Entertainment
As always, there will be entertainment for everyone! Multiple music acts including Lloyd Miller (Deedle-Deedle-Dees), a performance of Hansel and Gretel, face-painting, “sweet story-time” readings, crafts, and the good cheer and sweet disposition of NYC’s home bakers and the City Reliquary’s crew.
Apron Fashion Show
New in 2014: Bring your best aprons for a dazzling display of cooking finery! Everyone will be welcome to participate in The Apron Fashion Show and vie for the title of Brooklyn’s Best Apron!
The Sugar Sweets Festival is a family-friendly celebration of New York’s bakers, sweet-makers and treat-lovers.
We Love Our Sponsors
Many thanks to the kindness of The Brooklyn Kitchen, Crest Hardware, Cupcake Land, Oslo Coffee, Saltie, Liddabit Sweets, The Meat Hook and our other friends and neighbors.
Want to sponsor? Email [email protected].
We’re looking for food donations and products to raffle off. We’ll sing your praises on social media and give you a tax donor recognition letter.
Get In Touch
If you want to donate, sponsor, compete or ask ANY questions, please contact [email protected].
Was the date changed for this event? I am seeing two different dates 10/4 and 10/25. Which date is correct?