December 15
Party: 1 – 5pm
Visit From Santa: 2pm – 4pm
The City Reliquary Museum, in association with its blockbuster new exhibition – The Santa Claus Association – is throwing a come-one come-all Holiday Party in the middle of our Museum! Timed perfectly to land in the middle of the Holiday Season, we promise to bring Santa Claus himself to his own show, along with a mailbag for local childrens’ letters to get delivered to the North Pole, eggnog, Brooklyn Brewery Beer, Christmas carols and more!
Visit With Santa Claus
From 2 till 4pm, Santa Claus will be making a visit to the City Reliquary! Bring all (good) children to the Reliquary to sit on Santa’s lap so they can tell him what they hope to receive for Christmas. Parents and their little ones can spend time enjoying the Reliquary’s new exhibit, The Santa Claus Association, a loving look at the New York City-based philanthropic group that answered children’s letters to Santa Claus. There will also be a North Pole Express Mailbox, where kids can drop letters to be delivered to Santa Claus just in time for Christmas.
Holiday Sale
During the holiday party, all products in our Gift Shop will be 15% Off! Recently remodeled and restocked, the Shop features unique New York gifts made by New Yorkers for everyone. Tote bags, trinkets, jewelry, notebooks, home furnishings and more gifts to brighten any tree or menorah.
We hope to see you and your family on December 15!