Open Mic Show-and-Tell, hosted by Paul Lukas, returns to the City Reliquary on April 20th.
Open Mic Show-and-Tell is exactly what it sounds like: Anyone can bring an object of personal significance and talk about it for up to three minutes. No theme, no agenda — interesting stuff and the stories behind them are their own reward.
Objects that were featured last time included an electro-shock therapy device salvaged from an abandoned hospital, a very obsessively annotated copy of a book by Proust, and a copy of Martha Stewart Living in braille. We’re expecting even better objects, and more interesting stories, this time around.
You can either (a) bring an object and be prepared to talk about it, or (b) just be part of the audience (because you can’t have show-and-tell unless there are people on hand to be shown and told). Either way, it’s a good time.
The City Reliquary
370 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn
L train to Lorimer Avenue Station
Doors and sign-ups at 7p; showing/telling commences at 8p
$5 suggested donation; beer available for sale