ca. 1916, Manhattan, New York, New York, USA — Female garment workers striking on May Day fashion a negligee as a banner. ca. 1916, New York City. — Image by © CORBIS
A fundraiser for the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
Friday, May 5, 7-9 PM
Online Admission: $7/$5 Reliquary Members
Door Admission: $10/$8 Reliquary Members
Join us at the closing of our front-room exhibition of Robin Berson’s Triangle Fire Memorial Quilt, for an evening of remembrance through performance, poetry, and song. This event takes place in the week of May Day, International Workers’ Day.
Event Program
Robin Berson: A presentation on the Triangle Fire Memorial Quilt
Bracha Nechama Bomze: Reading of the Triangle Fire segment from her book-length poem, Love Justice
Phyllis Capello: Telling the story of how she came to write her prizewinning poem: Factory Girls, Bangkok followed by performing a song inspired by the young women who perished in the Triangle fire.
Paola Corso: Reading from Once I Was Told the Air Was Not for Breathing.
Annie Rachele Lanzillotto: Performing her iconic songs Ballad of Joe Zito (elevator operator at the Triangle Factory) and Girls Girls, Where Did You Work Last Night?
LuLu LoLo: Performing an excerpt from her play Soliloquy for a Seamstress: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Rose Schneiderman’s historic speech of April 2, 1911
Mary Anne Trasciatti: Reading a brief excerpt from the autobiography of the original Rebel Girl, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Tags: LuLu LoLo, Performance, Triangle Shirtwaist