Normally, I don’t include the host of Show and Tell’s stories in the blog posts because it’s more about what the public brings than what the Reliquary has to share. However, this story was to endearing to not write up. Paul brought in an antique, wooden dog for May’s Show and Tell. In addition to being a cute dog, it also slides open to reveal an interior drawer.
Every day Paul’s brother would walk by his local thrift store on the way home from the train. One day he finally went in and asked about the price. However, Paul described his brother as a very frugal person; whatever the cost of the dog was, it was too much for his brother. Every day he would keep walking by the wooden dog, wishing he could have it, until one day it was gone. He comes home and tells his wife how sad he is that the wooden dog was finally gone and how he knew he should have bought it. As it turns out, she went down to the thrift store, after hearing about the dog for months, and bought it for him as a surprise.