Land of the Free
October 5 to December 3, 2017
Free Opening Reception Friday, October 6 at 7 PM
Join us for a free reception on Friday, October 6 at 7 PM to celebrate the opening of Land of the Free. This exhibition in the front room of The City Reliquary captures the daily life of artist Moeinedin Shashaei, a newly immigrated Iranian US resident facing the absurdity of vilification.
The show presents Shashaei’s 90 photographs taken in the 90 days immediately following the signing of Executive Order 13769, entitled, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry to the United States” and commonly referred to as the “travel ban.” It stands as an homage to all the memories forged by the artist in a city that he loves dearly.
Complimentary light refreshments. Wine and mixed drinks by suggested donation.
About Moeinedin Shashaei:
Moeinedin Shashaei is an Iranian interdisciplinary designer, artist and jeweler currently living and working in New York City. Oscillating between physical and digital contexts he works across different media to explore the limits of poetic interaction.
He received a Master of Fine Arts in Communications Design from Pratt Institute in 2016, and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from the University of Tehran in 2013.
Tags: Moein Shashaei