December 2013 – February 2014
Opening donut party celebration: Saturday, December 7th, 6-9 p.m.
Free, but donations appreciated
The delicious new exhibit Keep Your Eye Upon the Donut explores the key moments in the history of donut shops in Brooklyn and Manhattan, and the role New York City played in establishing and popularizing this delicious treat. The city’s rich donut history is surveyed and nine present-day donut shops are profiled.
The city’s donut shop history starts with Mrs. Anna Joralemon’s 1673 donut shop on Broadway near Maiden Lane. Significant moments that will be highlighted include: the donuts served to immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, the Salvation Army’s Doughnut Hut in Union Square, the founding of the Doughnut Corporation of America, and the first donut shop chain, Mayflower Doughnuts, which had its flagship shop in Times Square.
The nine present day donut shops highlighted are Peter Pan Donut & Pastry Shop, Doughnut Plant, Mike’s Donuts & Coffee, The Donut Pub, Doughnuttery, Dun-Well Doughnuts, Shaikh’s Donuts, Dough, and Carpe Donut NYC. Photographs and histories of each shop will be on view alongside items from these shops.
Items from Julie Thomson’s collection of donut ephemera will also be shown. Donut events and programs will accompany this show, along with opportunities for visitors to share their own donut and donut shop memories.
This exhibit is organized by Julie Thomson, a former resident of Brooklyn who now lives in Durham, N.C. where she writes about donuts for Our State and makes audio documentaries including In Search of the Marble Donut. Her donut blog is and she tweets about donuts @donutgrrl.
Tags: Exhibits, Julie Thomson