By Vice President of Operations George Ferrandi
The City Reliquary has the distinction of being a window
museum. People in the community pass it daily on their way to and from the subway, the grocery, or the coffee
shop, or they stumble across it when they’re walking home from work via a different route. It is either an
integrated part of their daily landscape, or a personal discovery. In either case, passersby are offered a kind of
ownership that major institutions strive for in their public relations campaigns, but rarely achieve. We aim to be a
humble but effective hub, of many sorts – historical, cultural, and social. We offer historical displays of modest
ephemera – bits of bridges, old postcards, etc. We organize events – Collector’s Night, Bike Fetish Day, September 11
Memorials, Bike Rides, Writing Contests. We’ve also started a community mini-garden movement in old bathtubs in
front of our windows, and we broadcast a monthly radio show through a local internet station. We post
neighborhood-related political information, and in general act as “the water cooler” of the neighborhood.